Danke für’s Teilen!

USP-Products on the web

With my step into self-employ­ment, I bring with me many years of pur­chas­ing expert­ise, know­ledge and a grown net­work. I know how import­ant it is to present myself and my ser­vices as an appeal­ing brand. My new web pres­ence should reflect my high qual­ity stand­ards in product range design, product scout­ing, sourcing as well as USP-based product positioning.

Shar­ing know­ledge from over 25 years of exper­i­ence in pur­chas­ing and from my cur­rent work.

As a ded­ic­ated net­work­er, I really appre­ci­ate it when my con­tacts share their know­ledge with me. I also like to share my exper­i­en­tial know­ledge because I can learn from the per­son­al and qual­i­fied feed­back. After all, the abil­ity to learn is one of the key qual­it­ies I need to have as a product find­er, buy­er, scout and mar­ket­ing expert. Only in this way am I able to con­trib­ute to turn­ing good ideas into USP products.

I look for­ward to your feed­back and to hear­ing from you.


Silke Rosen­baum-Tiben

From the press

“Pur­chas­ing expert Silke Rosen­baum now run­ning her own business”

“Until the end of the year, Silke Rosen­baum-Tiben was respons­ible for pur­chas­ing at the spe­cialty mail order com­pany Hagen Grote. Now she is tak­ing the step into self-employ­ment and will be offer­ing her ser­vices as a product con­sult­ant to estab­lished retail com­pan­ies, start-ups or man­u­fac­tur­ers under the label “USP Products” with imme­di­ate effect.” … Read the full press art­icle (in German)


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On Tues­day I fin­ished my little trade fair marathon.
It went from the Mais­on & Objet in Par­is, to Biele­feld to the EK live autumn fair and crown­ing con­clu­sion was the Genuss­gip­fel in Cologne.
For me, it was once again con­firmed that it is import­ant to “keep it rolling“.

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USP Product Research

USP Product Research

Why do we say thirst for know­ledge, hun­ger for suc­cess, taste for curi­os­ity? Per­haps we use terms from the world of eat­ing, drink­ing and sen­su­al enjoy­ment because we want to express …

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I look for­ward to hear­ing from you