Product Con­sult­ant for Fine Cook­ing & Food Culture

About me

Pas­sion for exclus­ive food & cooking

From a wealth of possibilities …

… the right choice …

… to cre­ate USP products.

In 25 years as pur­chas­ing man­ager for the spe­cial­ist and prob­ably Europe’s largest mail order com­pany in the cook­ing & enjoy­ment sec­tor, I have learned that suc­cess depends on the right product, a con­vin­cing story, the “first mover advant­age” and focused marketing.

Claim, credo, values

My claim “unique & hard to get” is to be the first to find new, innov­at­ive products or – if they don’t exist – to devel­op them myself.

My credo: A fast, tar­get group-ori­ented imple­ment­a­tion only suc­ceeds with the right man­u­fac­turer – I am well net­worked and know who can suc­cess­fully imple­ment a product.

I attach great import­ance to a trust­ing and appre­ci­at­ive cooper­a­tion with busi­ness part­ners worldwide.

Feel free to use my exper­i­ence as an industry insider for your success.

USP products that arouse enthusiasm

I have cre­ated top sellers, built product lines and assort­ments, helped shape trends and told product stor­ies that have delighted customers.

With my pas­sion for exclus­ive food & cook­ing, my tech­nic­al and ana­lyt­ic­al expert­ise and deep industry know­ledge, I am con­stantly scan­ning the fine din­ing mar­ket for new trends and products with a focus on region­al spe­cial­ties, inter­na­tion­al trends – from small fine (organ­ic) sup­pli­ers in Europe to innov­at­ive sup­pli­ers world­wide.
The devel­op­ment, pos­i­tion­ing and advance­ment of new and exist­ing products, assort­ments, brands and private labels for vari­ous product groups as well as dis­tri­bu­tion chan­nels are nat­ur­ally part of my com­pet­ence spectrum.



25 years as pur­chas­ing man­ager for the spe­cial­ist and prob­ably Europe’s largest mail-order com­pany for soph­ist­ic­ated hobby chefs

Proven product success

Faster turnover and more suc­cess for your assort­ments: cook­ing (food, hard goods, elec­tric­al, bar­be­cue, table set­ting), small fur­niture, tidi­ness & clean­li­ness, home accessories 

Exper­i­ence & Creativity

Exper­i­ence & Creativity

Food and enjoy­ment are my pas­sion. And the mar­ket is highly innov­at­ive because many people share my joy in it. To be the first to find or devel­op new products for you, if pos­sible, is my greatest incent­ive. To do this, I like to travel around the world, vis­it trade fairs and sup­pli­ers on site or exchange ideas with them online. Know­ing where and how a product is cre­ated is import­ant to sell it with best recommendations.

USP focus

USP-based product positioning

Every product I recom­mend has some­thing spe­cial: a Unique Selling Pro­pos­i­tion (USP). This dis­tin­guishes it from all oth­er products and makes it stand out. Dis­cov­er­ing this unique selling pro­pos­i­tion, pos­sibly work­ing with it out or cre­at­ing some­thing com­pletely new, is the key to suc­cess­ful mar­ket­ing. Best ingredi­ents / ingredi­ents, the know­ledge about the ori­gin of mater­i­al, the pro­cessing and the people behind it, give me the secur­ity to offer truly unique products. My know­ledge of tar­get-group-spe­cif­ic online and off­line advert­ising media across all dis­tri­bu­tion chan­nels flows into the conception.

Solu­tion ori­ent­a­tion & cer­ti­fied quality

Inter­im man­age­ment / skill devel­op­ment for juniors

25 years of pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence in pur­chas­ing in vari­ous pos­i­tions help me to quickly and con­fid­ently eval­u­ate dif­fer­ent tasks in pur­chas­ing, identi­fy prob­lems and point out pos­sible solu­tions. You will bene­fit from my many years of exper­i­ence, addi­tion­al qual­i­fic­a­tions (busi­ness admin­is­trat­or for dir­ect mar­ket­ing, busi­ness gradu­ate, Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­ti­fic­ate in Exec­ut­ive Coach­ing, exclus­ive pro­fes­sion­al cook­ing courses with a focus on “fine cuisine”), my net­work and my offer for an open exchange of experiences.

Unique & Hard to Get

My claim “unique & hard to get” is to be the first to find new, innov­at­ive products or – if they don’t exist – to devel­op them myself. My credo: A fast, tar­get group-ori­ented imple­ment­a­tion only suc­ceeds with the right man­u­fac­turer – I am well net­worked and know who can suc­cess­fully imple­ment a product. I attach great import­ance to a trust­ing and appre­ci­at­ive cooper­a­tion with busi­ness part­ners worldwide.

Dan­yal Riedi­ger, Sales Man­ager, Rom­mels­bach­er Elektro­Haus­ger­äte GmbH, Dinkelsbühl

“We know and appre­ci­ate each oth­er for many, many years now. Right from the begin­ning of our cooper­a­tion, I was impressed by your high expert­ise and pro­found­ness in the eval­u­ation of products, their char­ac­ter­ist­ics, and the expec­ted per­form­ance, as well as the broad spec­trum of your culin­ary know­ledge. I some­times had the impres­sion that you knew more about our product than I or even we did. … Read all

Chris­ti­an Strebl, CEO, Sever­in Elektro­ger­äte GmbH, Sundern

“From my side, many thanks for all the suc­cess­ful years togeth­er. I have very much appre­ci­ated the col­lab­or­a­tion over the last few years, even if it has often been more from the heli­copter. Unfor­tu­nately, it’s not so often any­more that it’s not just about pure KPIs, but also about con­tent, stor­ies and the over­all pic­ture of a collaboration.”

Laura, Christina and Ulrich Englert, Englert Feinkost­spezi­al­itäten GmbH & Co. KG. Lohr am Main

„It’s crazy how fast 25 years go by, I still remem­ber our con­ver­sa­tions at the begin­ning of our busi­ness rela­tion­ship – it has expan­ded quite a bit over the years. I also always enjoyed exchan­ging ideas with you, you were for me the innov­at­ive and cre­at­ive head of the com­pany. Maybe our paths will cross again in the future, would be very happy.“

Dr. Char­is Römer, Export Pro­mo­tions, Bernbeuren

“Yes, we have moved a lot togeth­er since we prob­ably met at Ambi­ente in Feb 2006. You have con­trib­uted enorm­ously in your 25 years to bring table cul­ture in Ger­many to a high­er level. Was your achieve­ment, your mer­it. And I was happy to con­trib­ute a few inter­est­ing products. When I think that both Tajine and Tarte Tat­in were com­pletely unknown in DE back then when we intro­duced them togeth­er. Yes, it was also a lot of fun for me to work with you.”

Assem Hamzeh, Choco­mill SAL, Beirut

“It was a pleas­ure work­ing with you and learn­ing from your pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence. I had a great time work­ing with you. I have to thank you for your trust in our products all over the years. I hope we can stay in touch some­time in the future.”

Product launches


Brands and private labels

Ser­vice portfolio

Your added value along the devel­op­ment and imple­ment­a­tion processes

Assort­ment Design

Only a healthy assort­ment with prop­erly selec­ted products gen­er­ates earn­ings and sus­tain­able growth for the com­pany. The secure and ana­lyt­ic­al hand­ling of fig­ures, mar­gins, con­di­tions and a per­man­ent eval­u­ation and assess­ment cre­ate a suc­cess­ful assortment.



To be the first to find or devel­op new products for you is my greatest incent­ive. I bring you con­crete product sug­ges­tions from trade fairs and sup­pli­er meet­ings. You will find out what makes the art­icles stand out and what bene­fits your cus­tom­ers will have. …


Product scout­ing often turns into sourcing – the pro­cess of pro­cur­ing products – in a smooth trans­ition. My years of exper­i­ence, speed, cre­at­ive ideas and good con­nec­tions will help you become even more suc­cess­ful. As a ded­ic­ated net­work­er and industry insider, …


USP pos­i­tion­ing

Every product I recom­mend has some­thing spe­cial: a Unique Selling Pro­pos­i­tion (USP). This dis­tin­guishes it from all oth­er products and makes it out­stand­ing. Dis­cov­er­ing this unique selling pro­pos­i­tion, pos­sibly help­ing to work it out or cre­at­ing some­thing com­pletely new …


Cer­ti­fied Quality

25 years of pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence in pur­chas­ing in vari­ous pos­i­tions help me to quickly and con­fid­ently eval­u­ate dif­fer­ent tasks in pur­chas­ing, identi­fy prob­lems and identi­fy pos­sible solu­tions. You bene­fit from my many years of exper­i­ence , addi­tion­al qualifications …

Per­fect Match

… if you are look­ing for an expert with strong ideas who listens care­fully and sup­ports you in terms of con­tent and pro­cesses in a res­ults-ori­ented man­ner. When speed counts, there is no time for exper­i­ments. … if you see the cooper­a­tion with me as a chance

My Blog

Insights and know­ledge from the world of USP products

On Tues­day I fin­ished my little trade fair marathon.
It went from the Mais­on & Objet in Par­is, to Biele­feld to the EK live autumn fair and crown­ing con­clu­sion was the Genuss­gip­fel in Cologne.
For me, it was once again con­firmed that it is import­ant to “keep it rolling“.

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USP Products on the web

USP Products on the web

With my step into self-employ­­ment, I bring with me many years of pur­chas­ing expert­ise, know­ledge and a grown net­work. I know how import­ant it is to present myself and my ser­vices as an appeal­ing brand. …

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USP Product Research

USP Product Research

Why do we say thirst for know­ledge, hun­ger for suc­cess, taste for curi­os­ity? Per­haps we use terms from the world of eat­ing, drink­ing and sen­su­al enjoy­ment because we want to express …

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Product devel­op­ment

Product devel­op­ment

Do you know this cer­tain WOW exper­i­ence when encoun­ter­ing products that you – without know­ing it – have actu­ally always missed? And do you often ask your­self why this dish, this pan, this …

read more
You have questions?

I look for­ward to hear­ing from you