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Product Devel­op­ment Food and Hard­ware | Devel­op­ing what gour­mets have always missed (without actu­ally real­iz­ing it)

Do you know this cer­tain WOW exper­i­ence when encoun­ter­ing products that you – without know­ing it – have actu­ally always missed? And do you often ask your­self why this dish, this pan, this access­ory was­n’t avail­able until today? As an answer to these ques­tions, I would like to invite you on a short excur­sion into product devel­op­ment and product inven­tion – from the first idea to the brand. Wel­come to my world!

Rein­vent­ing everything from scratch? Or mak­ing good things better?

The beauty (and chal­lenge) of devel­op­ing products on the premise of “Unique & Hard to Get” is that there is no stand­ard recipe. Developers need a good mix of cre­ativ­ity and ana­lyt­ic­al expert­ise to devel­op good ideas into suc­cess­ful products, assort­ments, brands, and private labels, as well as get them into the dis­tri­bu­tion chan­nels and con­sumers’ hearts.

Product developers and find­ers are like good chefs who not only have excel­lent ideas but also know what strikes a chord with the tar­get groups they are address­ing. They have the intu­ition and exper­i­ence to judge wheth­er a product idea has the poten­tial to become a best­seller. It’s not always about rein­vent­ing the wheel. It’s also about improv­ing what already exists, com­bin­ing it with new ele­ments, and remix­ing suc­cess­ful recipes. To do this, product experts have to be very famil­i­ar with the world of cook­ing and enjoy­ment and con­stantly “scan” the mar­ket for new trends and product ideas.

Curi­os­ity, expert­ise and the joy of enjoyment

Suc­cess­ful products are not cre­ated at the green table or on the com­puter. They are the res­ult of a great deal of know-how in pur­chas­ing, mar­ket ana­lys­is and key fig­ures. In addi­tion, there is a lot of curi­os­ity and pleas­ure in net­work­ing, enjoy­ment, oth­er cul­tures of life and liv­ing, culin­ary arts, and much more. Depend­ing on the require­ments, the tasks of product devel­op­ment include sup­port with mar­ket­ing, product range design, exclus­ive product scout­ing, and USP (Unique Selling Proposition)-based product promotion.


From the press

“Pur­chas­ing expert Silke Rosen­baum now run­ning her own business”

“Until the end of the year, Silke Rosen­baum-Tiben was respons­ible for pur­chas­ing at the spe­cialty mail order com­pany Hagen Grote. Now she is tak­ing the step into self-employ­ment and will be offer­ing her ser­vices as a product con­sult­ant to estab­lished retail com­pan­ies, start-ups or man­u­fac­tur­ers under the label “USP Products” with imme­di­ate effect.” … Read the full press art­icle (in German)


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USP Products on the web

USP Products on the web

With my step into self-employ­­ment, I bring with me many years of pur­chas­ing expert­ise, know­ledge and a grown net­work. I know how import­ant it is to present myself and my ser­vices as an appeal­ing brand. …

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USP Product Research

USP Product Research

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